Studio Network Solutions Announces Three New Additions to the EVO Storage Line-up Along With Support for 8TB Drives

SNS-Logo-60px-TransStudio Network Solutions expands their range of workflow defined shared storage for post-production teams of all sizes.

Studio Network Solutions, a leading provider of shared storage solutions for video and audio workgroups, has announced three new products in the EVO Shared Storage line-up. The new products further expand the full range of offerings that Studio Network Solutions has created for professional media workgroups.

EVO Prodigy Desktop
A quiet desktop shared storage device, with the benefits of EVO OS and ShareBrowser.

The EVO Prodigy Desktop is a multi-purpose network-attached shared storage server designed to bring centralized network storage and asset management to small workgroups in areas with limited space or no server rack. The Prodigy Desktop is a quiet desktop server that stores up to 32TB, accommodating up to four enterprise-class 8TB HGST Ultrastar® He8 SATA HDDs.

“Our choice of using the HGST 8TB HelioSeal® Ultrastar® He8 drives as the primary storage element represents our emphasis on providing an uncompromising and reliable enterprise-class experience,” said Ryan Stoutenborough, president, Studio Network Solutions.

The Prodigy Desktop also includes two ports of Gigabit Ethernet connectivity out-of-the-box and is expandable with 10Gigabit Ethernet or Fibre Channel connectivity.

“Desktop drives are usually limited in capacity, reliability, and are not suitable for RAID configurations for multiple users to be connected to each other sharing projects and media. The trick with Prodigy Desktop was to address all three of those points, and make it quiet, reliable and affordable….We wanted to build a server solution for smaller teams working in compressed codec workflows. Our EVO Prodigy Desktop gives them the convenience of a desktop storage device, and also adds the major benefits of having RAID protected network storage, cloud integration, and ShareBrowser — our easy-to-use asset management tool.”

EVO 8 Bay (Short-Depth)
The EVO 8 Bay is now available in a 4RU compact form factor for facilities with big requirements and small spaces.

Studio Network Solutions has also announced a new EVO 8 Bay chassis with a compact 18” depth 4RU form factor. This new EVO 8 Bay is built to fit comfortably into equipment racks that are too small to host a conventional 28.5-inch” server chassis. This new form factor also increases the network port density of the EVO 8 Bay, thanks to its compatibility with full height PCIe cards. This alternative form factor for the EVO 8 Bay makes it an ideal solution for DIT stations, remote trucks, and other situations where rack depth is very limited.

By utilizing 8TB HGST Ultrastar He8 drives, the EVO 8 Bay can now store up to 64TB in a single chassis, combined with the increased network port density makes the EVO 8 Bay an extremely powerful storage solution for facilities with limited space but large data and connectivity requirements.

“Product quality and reliability are the center of our design focus, earning HGST drives a top-choice position for innovative companies like Studio Network Solutions,” said Brendan Collins, vice president of product marketing, Western Digital Corporation “We are honored they have chosen the Ultrastar He8 as the de-facto high-capacity drive for their award-winning solutions for the media and entertainment industry. Their specialized approach to deliver world-class solutions and outstanding customer support makes them a quintessential customer of HGST products.”

EVO Nearline
Affordable Tier-2 storage with asset management optimized for high-speed data transfers and high storage capacity.

The third addition to the SNS EVO lineup is the new EVO Nearline storage server. EVO Nearline is an online backup storage solution that accommodates 16 HGST Ultrastar He8 SATA HDDs in a single chassis and is scalable up to 80 drives per managed system. EVO Nearline gives a secondary intelligent networked-storage tier to EVO and non-EVO users.

“We wanted to give our customers a product that helps them continue to monetize their most valuable asset –– their content. Now editors can move completed projects and media to a RAID protected nearline server instead of keeping completed projects and large reference libraries stored on their online storage system. This frees up valuable disk space and helps companies get more out of their primary storage,” added Stoutenborough.

With EVO Nearline, editors can move completed projects, reference libraries, and media onto EVO’s secure and accessible storage for use before deep archive. Using EVO ShareBrowser, a built-in project and asset management software, archived files can be searched, tagged, indexed, reviewed, and migrated from anywhere on the network.

To get a hands-on demonstration or to learn more about these new additions to the Studio Network Solutions EVO line-up, visit Studio Network Solutions in Las Vegas at NAB, Stand #SL11113, April 18-21, 2016, or visit

About Studio Network Solutions (SNS)
SNS is a leading provider of shared storage hardware and software technology for Mac, Windows & Linux workgroups. Since 1998 SNS has been advancing workflow efficiency for the media and entertainment, broadcast, post production, digital content creation, game development, and education and government marketplaces. Visit for more information.

One MB is equal to one million bytes, one GB is equal to one billion bytes, one TB equals 1,000GB (one trillion bytes) and one PB equals 1,000TB when referring to storage capacity. Usable capacity will vary from the raw capacity due to object storage methodologies and other factors.

Western Digital, WD, HGST, HelioSeal, and Ultrastar are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and/or service marks, indicated or otherwise, are the property of their respective owners.

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